| 1. | Sadly, there is little of this insight in textbooks of mathematics at all levels . 遗憾的是,各种程度的数学教本都很少注意到这一点。 |
| 2. | All levels of the oil industry are prone to talk themselves into a crisis . 石油工业界各阶层人士都不难说服自己相信有一次危机即将到来。 |
| 3. | But there are literally millions of citizens who have entered government service at all levels . 但参加政府各级服务的公民的的确确数以百万计。 |
| 4. | Teach has the widest use in formal and informal situations and at all levels . Teach使用范围最广,可用于庄重的和一般的场合,可用于各种教育程度。 |
| 5. | In the past years a number of visits have taken place at all levels including the highest . 在过去的数年中,曾进行过若干次各种级别的访问,其中包括最高级别的访问。 |
| 6. | Something approaching a three-way federalism embracing all levels of government may be said to exist . 一种包括所有各级政府,有点类似三方面的联邦主义,可以说已经存在了。 |
| 7. | Each worsening of the employment situation calls forth an increased demand for more formal information at all levels . 就业状况的每次恶化都进一步引起对各级正规教育的更大需求。 |
| 8. | The development of cell theory in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries caused biological research to blossom and bear fruit at all levels . 细胞学说在十八和十九世纪的发展,促进生物学各个方面的研究开花结果。 |
| 9. | At all levels of the company, as with any new drug launching, there was a mix of excitement, circus, nervousness and hope . 公司里从上到下,如同推出任何一种新药一样,充满着一派既兴高采烈,满怀希望又惴惴不安的复杂气氛。 |
| 10. | Ability to deal with perso el at all levels effectively 善于同各种人员打交道。 |